Comprehensive Guide for Investors
Investment Promotion Office of Ukraine has made the presentation "Guide: Rebuilding Ukraine with Private Sector", which contains information about Ukraine's investment profile, financial incentives, business opportunities, as well as analytical data from various sectors of Ukraine’s economy:
"State support for industrial parks" aimed at the intensification of investment activities and economic development of Ukraine:
"UkraineInvest HelpDesk" regarding legislative on conducting business activities under martial law in Ukraine:
Want your business to succeed in Ukraine? Please read „Incentives for Significant Investments: explanatory guide”:
Incentives for Significant Investments: explanatory guide
Never hesitate to consult other industry investment guides.
In any case, the Embassy would be happy to provide additional information upon your request.
Investment Atlas UkraineInvest
National Investment Council of Ukraine
Investment Opportunities in Different Areas
FDI in Ukraine: Success Stories
Discover new opportunities with Export Promotion Office
Invest into Ukrainian sea ports